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A Better and Nobler Man


A Better & Nobler Man, written by Sheldon Gleisser and directed by Michael Herring, is the story of Chester A. Arthur, James Garfield’s Vice President. Arthur became the 21st President of the United States, an office he never wanted, when Charles Guiteau assassinated James Garfield in 1881. The Republican Party was deeply divided between conservatives and reformers and Garfield’s assassination drew suspicion from both factions. The nation hated and distrusted Arthur. The New York Times went as far as to describe Arthur as “an overweight party hack”. The only kind voice Arthur hears in the midst of this public vitriol is from Julia Sand, a young woman who began a correspondence with Arthur and helped him find the courage he needed to heal a nation and to become a better and nobler man.

Show Info

  • Available to rent Sunday, January 24, 2021 6:00 PM - Saturday, May 1, 2021 12:00 AM EDT

  • Rental lasts 48 hours

  • $10 rental cost

July 8
